Source: buildings.js

/* Functions that help design and generate building units onto the map. */

let bearing = require('@turf/bearing').default,
destination = require('@turf/destination').default,
along = require('@turf/along').default,
lineIntersect = require('@turf/line-intersect').default,
intersect = require('@turf/intersect').default,
Agentmap = require('./agentmap').Agentmap,
streetsToGraph = require('./routing').streetsToGraph,
getPathFinder = require('./routing').getPathFinder;

 * Generate and setup the desired map features (e.g. streets, houses).
 * @memberof Agentmap
 * @instance
 * @param {Array.<Array.<number>>} bounding_box - The map's top-left and bottom-right coordinates.
 * @param {object} OSM_data - A GeoJSON Feature Collection object containing the OSM street features inside the bounding box.
 * @param {object} [street_options] - An object containing the Leaflet styling options for streets. See available options here: {@link}.
 * @param {object} [unit_options] - An object containing the Leaflet & AgentMaps styling options for units.<br/>See available Leaflet options here: {@link}<br/>Additional AgentMaps-specific options are described below.
 * @param {number} [unit_options.front_buffer = 6] - The number of meters beetween the front of unit and its street.
 * @param {number} [unit_options.side_buffer = 3] - The number of meters between two units on the same street.
 * @param {number} [unit_options.length = 14] - The length of the unit in meters along the street.
 * @param {number} [unit_options.depth = 18] - The depth of the unit in meters out from its front.
 * @param {object} [unit_layers]- If you want to load a previously generated AgentMaps.units object instead of generating one from scratch: A GeoJSON Feature Collection of an AgentMaps.units featureGroup.
 * @param {object} [street_layers]- If you want to load a previously generated AgentMaps.streets object instead of generating one from scratch: A GeoJSON Feature Collection of an AgentMaps.streets featureGroup.
function buildingify(bounding_box, OSM_data, street_options, unit_options, unit_layers, street_layers) {, OSM_data, street_options);, bounding_box, OSM_data, unit_options, unit_layers);

 * Generate and setup streets based on the provided GeoJSON data.
 * @param {object} OSM_data - A GeoJSON Feature Collection object containing the OSM street features inside the bounding box.
 * @param {object} street_options - An object containing the Leaflet styling options for streets.
 * @param {object} [street_layers] - If you want to load a previously generated AgentMaps.streets object instead of generating one from scratch: A GeoJSON Feature Collection of an AgentMaps.streets featureGroup.
function setupStreetFeatures(OSM_data, street_options, street_layers) {
	let default_options = {
		"color": "yellow",
		"weight": 4,
		"opacity": .5

	street_options = Object.assign(default_options, street_options);

	let street_feature_collection;

	if (typeof(street_layers) === "undefined") {
		let street_features = getStreetFeatures(OSM_data);
		street_feature_collection = {
			type: "FeatureCollection",
			features: street_features
	else {
		street_feature_collection = street_layers;

	this.streets = L.geoJSON(

	//Map streets' OSM IDs to their Leaflet IDs.
	this.streets.id_map = {};

	//Having added the streets as layers to the map, do any processing that requires access to those layers.
	this.streets.eachLayer(function(street) {
		this.streets.id_map[] = street._leaflet_id;, street);
	}, this);

	//Add general graph-making and path-finder-making methods to Agentmap, in case streets are added, removed, or modified mid-simulation.
	this.streetsToGraph = streetsToGraph,
		this.getPathFinder = getPathFinder;

	this.streets.graph = streetsToGraph(this.streets),
	this.pathfinder = getPathFinder(this.streets.graph);

 * Get all streets from the GeoJSON data.
 * @private
 * @param {Object} OSM_data - A GeoJSON Feature Collection object containing the OSM streets inside the bounding box.
 * @returns {Array<Feature>} -  array of street features.
function getStreetFeatures(OSM_data) {
	let street_features = [];

	for (let i =  0; i < OSM_data.features.length; ++i) {
		let feature = OSM_data.features[i];

		if (feature.geometry.type === "LineString" && {
			let street_feature = feature;


	return street_features;

 * Gets the intersections of all the streets on the map and adds them as properties to the street layers.
 * @private
 * @param {object} street - A Leaflet polyline representing a street.
function addStreetLayerIntersections(street) {
	let street_id = street._leaflet_id;

	street.intersections = typeof(street.intersections) === "undefined" ? {} : street.intersections;

	this.streets.eachLayer(function(other_street) {
		let other_street_id = other_street._leaflet_id;

		//Skip if both streets are the same, or if the street already has its intersections with the other street.
		if (typeof(street.intersections[other_street_id]) === "undefined" && street_id !== other_street_id) {
			let street_coords = street.getLatLngs().map(L.A.pointToCoordinateArray),
			other_street_coords = other_street.getLatLngs().map(L.A.pointToCoordinateArray),
			identified_intersections = L.A.getIntersections(street_coords, other_street_coords, [street_id, other_street_id]).map(
				identified_intersection => 
				[L.latLng(L.A.reversedCoordinates(identified_intersection[0])), identified_intersection[1]]

			if (identified_intersections.length > 0) {
				street.intersections[other_street_id] = identified_intersections,
				other_street.intersections = typeof(other_street.intersections) === "undefined" ? {} : other_street.intersections,
				other_street.intersections[street_id] = identified_intersections;

 * Generate and setup building units based on the provided GeoJSON data.
 * @param {Array.<Array.<number>>} bounding_box - The map's top-left and bottom-right coordinates.
 * @param {object} OSM_data - A GeoJSON Feature Collection object containing the OSM street features inside the bounding box.
 * @param {object} unit_options - An object containing the Leaflet & AgentMaps styling options for units.
 * @param {object} [unit_layers] - If you want to load a previously generated AgentMaps.units object instead of generating one from scratch: A GeoJSON Feature Collection of an AgentMaps.units featureGroup.
function setupUnitFeatures(bounding_box, OSM_data, unit_options = {}, unit_layers) {
	let default_options = {
			"color": "green",
			"weight": 1,
			"opacity": .87,
			"front_buffer": 6,
			"side_buffer": 3,
			"length": 14,
			"depth": 18

	unit_options = Object.assign(default_options, unit_options);
	let unit_feature_collection;

	//If no unit_layers is supplied, generate the units from scratch.
	if (typeof(unit_layers) === "undefined") {
		//Bind getUnitFeatures to "this" so it can access the agentmap as "this.agentmap".
		let unit_features = getUnitFeatures.bind(this)(bounding_box, OSM_data, unit_options);

		unit_feature_collection = { 
			type: "FeatureCollection", 
			features: unit_features
	else {
		unit_feature_collection = unit_layers;
	this.units = L.geoJSON(

	//Having added the units as layers to the map, do any processing that requires access to those layers.
	this.units.eachLayer(function(unit) {
		if (typeof(unit_layers) === "undefined") {
			unit.street_id =;
		else {
			unit.street_id = this.streets.id_map[];

		unit.street_anchors =,
		//Change the IDs of each unit in this unit's neighbours array into the appropriate Leaflet IDs.
		unit.neighbors =,;
	}, this);

 * Given an array of pre-layer IDs, check if any of them correspond to the pre-layer IDs of unit layers, and if so
 * return an array of the corresponding layer IDs.
 * @private
 * @param {Array<?number>} - An array of pre-layer feature IDs for a unit's neighbors.
 * @returns {Array<?number>} - An array of Leaflet layer IDs corresponding to the unit's neighbors.
function getUnitNeighborLayerIDs(neighbors) {
	let neighbor_layer_ids = {
		if (neighbor !== null) {
			let neighbor_layer_id = null;
			this.units.eachLayer(function(possible_neighbor_layer) {
				if ( === neighbor) {
					neighbor_layer_id = this.units.getLayerId(possible_neighbor_layer);
			}, this);

			return neighbor_layer_id;
		else {
			return null;
	}, this);

	return neighbor_layer_ids;

 * Get all appropriate units within the desired bounding box.
 * @private
 * @param {Array.<Array.<number>>} bounding_box - The map's top-left and bottom-right coordinates.
 * @param {Object} OSM_data - A GeoJSON Feature Collection object containing the OSM street features inside the bounding box.
 * @param {object} unit_options - An object containing the AgentMaps styling options for units.
 * @returns {Array<Feature>} - Array of features representing real estate units.
function getUnitFeatures(bounding_box, OSM_data, unit_options) {
	let proposed_unit_features = [];
	this.streets.eachLayer(function(layer) {
		let street_feature = layer.feature,
		street_id = layer._leaflet_id,
		street_OSM_id =,
		proposed_anchors = getUnitAnchors(street_feature, bounding_box, unit_options),
		new_proposed_unit_features = generateUnitFeatures(proposed_anchors, proposed_unit_features, street_id, street_OSM_id, unit_options);

	unit_features = unitsOutOfStreets(proposed_unit_features, this.streets);
	return unit_features;

 * Given an array of anchor pairs, for each anchor pair find four 
 * nearby points on either side of the street appropriate to build a unit(s) on.
 * @private
 * @param {Array<Array<Feature>>} unit_anchors - Array of pairs of points around which to anchor units along a street.
 * @param {Array<Feature>} proposed_unit_features - Array of features representing building units already proposed for construction.
 * @param {string} street_leaflet_id - The Leaflet layer ID of the street feature along which the unit is being constructed.
 * @param {string} street_OSM_id - The OSM feature ID of the street feature along which the unit is being constructed.
 * @param {object} unit_options - An object containing the AgentMaps styling options for units.
 * @returns {Array<Feature>} unit_features - Array of features representing units.
function generateUnitFeatures(unit_anchors, proposed_unit_features, street_leaflet_id, street_OSM_id, unit_options) {
	//One sub-array of unit features for each side of the road.
	let unit_features = [[],[]],
	starting_id = proposed_unit_features.length,
	increment = 1;
	for (let anchor_pair of unit_anchors) {
		//Pair of unit_features opposite each other on a street.
		let unit_pair = [null, null];
		for (let i of [1, -1]) {
			let anchor_a = anchor_pair[0].geometry.coordinates,
			anchor_b = anchor_pair[1].geometry.coordinates,
			anchor_latLng_pair = [anchor_a, anchor_b],
			street_buffer = unit_options.front_buffer / 1000, //Distance between center of street and start of unit.
			house_depth = unit_options.depth / 1000,
			angle = bearing(anchor_a, anchor_b),
			new_angle = angle + i * 90, //Angle of line perpendicular to the anchor segment.
			unit_feature = { 
				type: "Feature",
				properties: {
					street: "none"
				geometry: {
					type: "Polygon",
					coordinates: [[]]
			unit_feature.geometry.coordinates[0][0] = destination(anchor_a, street_buffer, new_angle).geometry.coordinates,
			unit_feature.geometry.coordinates[0][1] = destination(anchor_b, street_buffer, new_angle).geometry.coordinates,
			unit_feature.geometry.coordinates[0][2] = destination(anchor_b, street_buffer + house_depth, new_angle).geometry.coordinates,
			unit_feature.geometry.coordinates[0][3] = destination(anchor_a, street_buffer + house_depth, new_angle).geometry.coordinates;
			unit_feature.geometry.coordinates[0][4] = unit_feature.geometry.coordinates[0][0];

			//Exclude the unit if it overlaps with any of the other proposed units.
			let all_proposed_unit_features = unit_features[0].concat(unit_features[1]).concat(proposed_unit_features);
			if (noOverlaps(unit_feature, all_proposed_unit_features)) { 
				//Recode index so that it's useful here.
				i = i === 1 ? 0 : 1; = street_leaflet_id, = street_OSM_id, = anchor_latLng_pair, = [null, null, null], = starting_id + increment,
				increment += 1;
				if (unit_features[i].length !== 0) {
					//Make previous unit_feature this unit_feature's first neighbor.[0] = unit_features[i][unit_features[i].length - 1],
					//Make this unit_feature the previous unit_feature's second neighbor.
					unit_features[i][unit_features[i].length - 1].properties.neighbors[1] =;
				if (i === 0) {
					unit_pair[0] = unit_feature;
				else {
					if (unit_pair[0] !== null) {
						//Make unit_feature opposite to this unit_feature on the street its third neighbor.[2] = unit_pair[0],
						//Make unit_feature opposite to this unit_feature on the street's third neighbor this unit_feature.
						unit_pair[0].properties.neighbors[2] =;
					unit_pair[1] = unit_feature;
		if (unit_pair[0] !== null) {

		if (unit_pair[1] !== null) {

	let unit_features_merged = [].concat(...unit_features);

	return unit_features_merged;

 * Find anchors for potential units. chors are the pairs of start 
 * and end points along the street from which units may be constructed.
 * @private
 * @param {Feature} street_feature - A GeoJSON feature object representing a street.
 * @param {object} unit_options - An object containing the AgentMaps styling options for units.
 * @returns {Array<Array<Feature>>} - Array of pairs of points around which to anchor units along a street.  
function getUnitAnchors(street_feature, bounding_box, unit_options) {
	let unit_anchors = [],
	unit_length = unit_options.length / 1000, //Kilometers.
	unit_buffer = unit_options.side_buffer / 1000, //Distance between units, kilometers.
	endpoint = street_feature.geometry.coordinates[street_feature.geometry.coordinates.length - 1],
	start_anchor = along(street_feature, 0),
	end_anchor = along(street_feature, unit_length),
	distance_along = unit_length;

	while (end_anchor.geometry.coordinates != endpoint) {
		//Exclude proposed anchors if they're outside of the bounding box.
		start_coord = L.A.reversedCoordinates(start_anchor.geometry.coordinates), 
		end_coord = L.A.reversedCoordinates(end_anchor.geometry.coordinates);
		if (L.latLngBounds(bounding_box).contains(start_coord) &&
			L.latLngBounds(bounding_box).contains(end_coord)) {
				unit_anchors.push([start_anchor, end_anchor]);

		//Find next pair of anchors.
		start_anchor = along(street_feature, distance_along + unit_buffer);
		end_anchor = along(street_feature, distance_along + unit_buffer + unit_length);
		distance_along += unit_buffer + unit_length

	return unit_anchors;

 * Get an array of units excluding units that overlap with streets.
 * @private
 * @param {Array<Feature>} unit_features - Array of features representing units.
 * @param {Array<Layer>} street_layers - Array of Leaflet layers representing streets.
 * @returns {Array<Feature>} - unit_features, but with all units that intersect any streets removed.
function unitsOutOfStreets(unit_features, street_layers) {
	let processed_unit_features = unit_features.slice();
	street_layers.eachLayer(function(street_layer) {
		let street_feature = street_layer.feature;
		for (let unit_feature of processed_unit_features) {
			let intersection_exists = lineIntersect(street_feature, unit_feature).features.length > 0;
			if (intersection_exists) {
				processed_unit_features.splice(processed_unit_features.indexOf(unit_feature), 1, null);
		processed_unit_features = processed_unit_features.filter(feature => feature === null ? false : true);

	return processed_unit_features;

 * Check whether a polygon overlaps with any member of an array of polygons.
 * @private
 * @param {Feature} reference_polygon_feature - A geoJSON polygon feature.
 * @param {Array<Feature>} polygon_feature_array - Array of geoJSON polygon features.
 * @returns {boolean} - Whether the polygon_feature overlaps with any one in the array.
function noOverlaps(reference_polygon_feature, polygon_feature_array) {
	for (feature_array_element of polygon_feature_array) {
		let overlap_exists = intersect(reference_polygon_feature, feature_array_element);
		if (overlap_exists) {
			return false;

	return true;

Agentmap.prototype.buildingify = buildingify;
exports.buildingify = buildingify;