
IconAgents Documentation

The sidebar of this page contains a list of classes and functions used by Agentmap-IconAgents. Click them to see their methods and properties, their purposes, and their types.

Here I'll explain some features of Agentmap-IconAgents that the auto-generated docs probably aren't sufficiently helpful for.

For iconagents, custom icons are Leaflet Icons and the iconagents themselves are Leaflet Markers, instead of the usual Leaflet CircleMarkers. To accomodate icons and markers, the parameters for the IconAgent constructor are slightly different from the Agent constructor.

The IconAgent constructor accepts 4 arguments:

  • A LatLng specifying where the iconagent should be placed
  • A Leaflet Icon
  • An Agentmap instance to add the iconagent to

Agentmap-IconAgents also includes a lowercase iconagent factory function which returns a new IconAgent instance given the constructor's arguments.

Finally, Agentmap-IconAgents adds a new Agentmap.iconagentify method to the Agentmap, which is is effectively the same as Agentmap.agentify except it produces spritegents instead of agents. Accordingly, Agentmap.iconagentify accepts a IconAgentFeatureMaker, which is like an AgentFeatureMaker, except instead of a layer_options property, it must have an icon property whose value is a Leaflet Icon.

Here's an example of how you'd add a new iconagent into an existing agentmap:

let my_icon = L.Icon({
    "iconUrl": "images/icon.jpg",
    "iconSize": [50, 50],
    "iconAnchor": [25, 25]
my_iconagent = L.A.iconagent(
    [40.3425, -82.9139], 
    "icon": my_icon,


And here's an example of a proper IconAgentFeatureMaker and an associated use of Agentmap.iconagentify:

function epidemicIconAgentMaker = function(id) {
    let feature = { 
        "type": "Feature",
        "properties": {
            "place": {
                "type": "unit",
                "id": random_unit_id
            "icon": my_icon,
            "infected": Math.random() > .15 ? false : true,
            "ticks_until_recovery": Math.random() * 2000,
        "geometry": {
            "type": "Point",
            "coordinates": center_coords

    return feature;

agentmap.iconagentify(50, epidemicIconAgentMaker);

While normal agents are based on L.CircleMarker which has a setStyle method you can pass options to at any time, if you'd like to modify the style of the L.Marker representing an IconAgent, you must call one of its specific styling methods. If you'd like to change an IconAgent's icon, you can create a new icon and use its setIcon method like this:

let new_icon = L.icon({    
    "iconUrl": "images/pic.jpg",
    "iconSize": [20, 18],
    "iconAnchor": [10, 9]
